Posted by: Andrew on: August 5, 2014
We’re delighted to announce that Bannister, known for his work on The Elsewhere Chronicles (Les enfants d’ailleurs) and Tib & Tumtum (Tib et Tatoum), will be in the store meeting fans and signing copies of his books on Saturday, August 23rd! Please join us!
From the ElseWhere Chronicles website:
Bannister has been creating graphic novels since the was 17. Starting in 2002, he gave up “normal” jobs for a life of pencils and pens. His work has appeared in Flight Explorer (Villard Books/Random House) and several editions of the Flight anthology, and he is also the artist for the series Félicité Bonaventure (Éditions Soleil) and Zombie Love Story (Éditions La Boîte Aluminium). He blogs on his LiveJournal and his website is here (it’s still in the works).
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