Little Island Comics – The Blog!

Boxing Day Phase 02 @ Little Island + The Beguiling!

Posted by: admin on: December 29, 2011

Boxing Day Phase 02:
Thursday December 29th until Sunday January 08 (Closed January 1st)

It’s the sale that some of our customers wait all year for, the big back-issue sale! If you like old comics, cheap comics, or variant covers, have we got deals for you! And just as a special bonus, we’ve decided to extend it to two full weekends, just to make sure everyone who wanted to pick something up gets a shot.

We’ve also moved many of our Boxing Day spot-sales and $5 books to Little Island, to continue the amazing deals! Scroll to the bottom of this post to see what’s still available!


  1. Bring your own bags! Save the environment! We’re happy to sell you 5c bags, but we’ve only got small ones left.
  2. We reserve the right to refuse sale of any item to any customer for any reason. We probably won’t do this, but this is a straightforward disclaimer in case there’s any dispute about what is or isn’t on sale.
  3. Anything put on hold prior to Boxing Day is entirely exempt to sale pricing.
  4. Sales cannot be combined with other specials or sales.
  5. “Regular Price” is determined as ‘Whatever the book would sell for not on Boxing Day,’ whether that’s U.S. Cover Price, Converted Canadian Cover price, Canadian Cover Price, or Sticker Price.
  6. Items released in December 2011 or later are not eligible for sale. Determination for eligibility will be made at the cash register, at our sole discretion.


Little Island Sale Continues: 20% off all regularly priced books and merchandise at Little Island Comics. Sale will end for good on Saturday, December 31st. Don’t delay!
– Select Marvel Essential and DC Showcase Volumes: $5 each! *
– 5-10 bins of “50% off” Marvel/DC/Dark Horse/Image graphic novels *
T-Shirt Blow-out: $10 each. Webcomics, Various Styles and Sizes *

All of the remaining copies of the books below have been moved to Little Island Comics, and they will be $5 EACH until they sell out, or until January 9th!

– Castle: Richard Castle’s Deadly Storm HC – Regularly 19.99
– Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born HC – Regularly 24.99
– Fate of the Artist SC – Regularly 17.95
– Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse HC – Regularly 24.99
– Green Lantern: Agent Orange SC – Regularly $17.99
– Green Woman HC – Regularly 24.99
– Hellblazer: India – Regularly 14.99
– Hellboy Vol 1: Seed of Destruction – Regularly 17.95
– Savage Sword of Conan Vol 6 – Regularly 19.95
– Warren Ells’ RED – Regularly 14.99
– Watching the Watchmen HC – Regularly 39.95

We’ve got some amazing deals on some really great books that we happen to have a little too much inventory on!

Adventures of Doctor McNinja: Night Moves – Regularly $19.99, NOW: $10
Fables: Covers HC, by James Jean HC – Regularly $50, NOW: $20
Frank Miller’s Holy Terror – Regularly $30 NOW: $15
Grant Morrison’s 18 Days HC – Regularly $24.99, NOW: $10
Invincible Compendium – Regularly $64.99, NOW: $35
Lychee Light Club, by Usamaru Furuya – Regularly $21, NOW: $10
Mega Man Megamix Volume 1 & 2 – $5 EACH

* This is regular Beguiling stock that we are making it easier to browse at Little Island! It will not all be all ages appropriate.


MAIN TABLE 50% OFF SALE CONTINUES: It’s a massive table of 50% off items! We’ve cleared off the main tables at the store, and put out a huge (and rotating) selection of product that we are offering for 50% off the regular price! Individual items on this table will not be mentioned in this email, so make sure to come by and check it out! We have restocked with multiple new items since Boxing Day!

We want to stress: Most of these books are quite good, some are great! We just ordered a few too many–maybe this year, maybe last–and so we’re thinning them out a bit because (you may have noticed) we REALLY need the room.


50% off Comics + Magazines $15 and under.
30% off Comics + Magazines $15.01 and over.
What this means is that most back issues in the back issue bins ($15 and under) will be 50% off their stickered price, and most back issues kept behind the counter ($15.01 and over) will be 30% off their stickered price. This also includes the magazine bins and back issues of Twomorrows Magazines.

50% off printed English-language smut in the back issue bins.
That’s right, all of our comics smut from the fine folks at Comic AG, Eros, Radio Comix, Class Comics, Etc.? All of it is 50% off the sticker price! Must be 18 or older to purchase.

25% off sticker price.
The only real exemption in the back-issue bins are Undergrounds, and they’ll be going for 25% off, which is still a great deal…!

10% off sticker price.
All Japanese-language doujinshi are 10% off their sticker price. They are located at the end of the bins, and include many new books!

30%-80% off the sticker price or $5:
– All special edition/variant covers of comics stickered at $74 or less will be 80% off the sticker price, or $5, whichever price is higher.
– All special edition/variant covers of comics tickered at $75 or higher will be 30% off the sticker price.
These boxes will be clearly labelled in store to avoid confusion. No variants released in December 2011 or later will be eligible.

– 25% off of the already intensely marked-down sticker price!

“50 Cent Bin Comics” are now 25 cents each, with the purchase of 50 comics or more. That’s 50 comics for $12.50, a great deal! In addition, we’ll be cycling the 50 cent been stock several times throughout the sale.

Comic Sets are now 20% off the sticker price.

That’s it! See you in-store!

– Chris @ The Beguiling

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What is Little Island Comics?

Little Island Comics is the world's only comic book shop just for kids! We carry the widest possible assortment of things that fall under the umbrella of comics and visual narrative for kids up to age 12.

We're located right next door to our parent shop The Beguiling Books & Art, at the top of Toronto's vibrant Kensington Market, making this a one-stop-shop for the whole family's graphic novel needs!

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Little Island Comics
323 College Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1S2

416 533 9168

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WEDS & FRI: 11AM - 9PM
SUN: 12PM - 6PM